With Thanks to the Fallen Gods

As I’ve mentioned previously, I’ve been looking for a good mature male skin. And I’ve found a couple (in case you missed it, I like the Steve and King skins). But I wasn’t enamoured with their sci-fi/fantasy potential. I’ve seen Fallen Gods Inc before (they created the breathtaking Delta at FF2016). I hadn’t considered them as an option because they were so high fantasy.

SLink & Fallen Gods 03

I have my default human avatar now though, and so the options for my fantasy looks are much less constrained. And that means I can enjoy myself!

I bought the Adam Mesh body last year when it was looking like classic avis were going to go the way of the dodo. But I couldn’t quite get into him, shapes didn’t work as dramatically as I was used to and the clothing options were quite limited. Sure, I had a huge amount of control over my alphas (which was a revelation), but the restrictions were just too big of a jump.

I’ve always used Android since back in the days of the G1. And I’ve always opted for the stock version. Always that is, apart from one hellish year when I used the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Touchwiz was beautiful, the phone looked great, but Samsung had locked down the options. And to update it I had to use their proprietary system Kies. Which meant plugging it into my computer.

That reminded me a lot of the Adam body and Omega appliers. I know that Omega isn’t proprietary, but it was still something in between me and the look that I wanted.

SLink & Fallen Gods 01But why did you choose Adam then? It wasn’t a whim, I looked at the main ones, Aesthetic, TMP, SLink and Adam. I couldn’t see myself in the Aesthetic body as it was too bulky. Every image I saw was of some big muscle bound bodybuilder type, and it just wasn’t my idea of the way I wanted to be seen. TMP seemed a bit too different with their hud and on comparison between SLink and Adam, Adam won out on proportions.

So my Adam body sat there in my inventory while I carried on with my classic avatar. I’ve been watching the mesh bodies for a while now, and while it’s clear that Aesthetic is winning the race, SLink and Belleza aren’t giving up just yet. I’ve been using the SLink feet for a long time, because no matter how much you try, the system ankles and feet are awful!

Now finally I’ve been trying out the SLink Mesh Body and playing with the skins and appliers from Fallen Gods Inc. And I must admit that it’s been great fun. The ease of the SLink appliers and range of clothing available have made my experimentation interesting (and a little expensive!)

So here are some of the looks that I’ve acquired over the last couple of weeks. And you might be pleased to hear that I’ve also been dusting off my old Adam avatar!


(Ethan is wearing clothing by <MK>, Gabriel and Fallen Gods in these pictures. Designers that he has discussed before, but not these specific outfits. The featured image is the standard SLink skin blended into his default Redgrave King avatar.)

ADAM Mesh Body:

SLink Mesh Body:

Fallen Gods Inc:


Lucentia’s Looking Glass

Lucentia was another of the FF2016 lands that fell into the traditional fantasy style. Using perspective tricks and filler buildings in a similar way to DRD, Through The Looking Glass (who sponsored the sim) were able to make a village that felt busy, bustling and bigger on the inside.

With the stunning centrepiece of the jewel in the middle of the harbour and the little wooded areas to the side to sit in, it was a nice place to shop and relax. The classical style architecture made it feel more “real”, as if it could have existed in times gone by…

Welcome To An Otherworld

I have an admission to make, I only made one trip to Otherworld during FF2016. But it was absolutely worth it, a beautiful sim that gave a feeling of sci-fi and fantasy at the same time. As a dyed in the wool Whovian and a bit of a geek it was perfect. Dark stone counterpointed with the bio-luminescence of the flora, ancient structures that look aged to perfection. It was a beautiful, peaceful and serene place to visit the day that I went.

Reflections on Sapphire Mirror Lake

I tried to visit Sapphire Mirror Lake for a couple of FF2016 events, but both times my computer just fell over. So I ended up having to visit on a quiet time. The lake had another alien feel with plenty of colour. But this made me feel more like the old style Second Life, back in the days when we used standard prims to make pretty things.

The colours everywhere were eyecatching, on the thin border between tasteful and tasteless, beautiful and hideous. It was definitely memorable!

Dark Dangarnon

The statue of Cinderella kind of gave me the impression of what to expect from Dangarnon. A once beautiful town, picturesque and clearly a powerful port in years gone by. Now fallen on hard times, another part of the Faire Lands that just gave me goosebumps as I visited for FF2016. Here’s some of my pictures from it – and because of this I found DRD who I’m definitely going to be visiting in a future post!

Bright And Beautiful

The small town of Bright Haven was another sim in FF2016 that I absolutely loved as I wandered around it. With it’s gorgeous clock tower and bright, hopeful colours in an almost cartoonish style it just made me feel optimistic as soon as I saw it. The bunting was made of windmills that span in the breeze and the wide, open streets were a pleasure to walk around.

It’s Foggy on the Moor

Leaving the bright, open and welcoming streets during FF2016 one could visit the small town of Blackmoor. This was a darker, more atmospheric setting. With the pervasive fog and foreboding central crypt area this was definitely a place to give you the willies! But it had a beauty that Breeze and Bright Haven didn’t. Every footstep seemed to echo, every corner could bring forth a challenge as it was impossible to see what was ahead…

A beautiful sim? It’s a Breeze!

Continuing with my theme of the Fantasy Faire 2016, I’d like to look at Breeze. I have a feeling that it was probably influenced by Bree/Hobbiton. But the bright and colourful scheme felt almost cartoonish.

When I stepped in and saw the open festival tent with bunting and then turned to see the fish head fountain I knew that this was another special place. Further wandering introduced me to the hobbit holes that were being used by stores and the bunting strewn across the paths gave that festival feel even more oomph!

Echtra, It’s Not Just The Sound Of A Sneeze

When I arrived in Echtra and saw the rain falling through the rough wooden buildings I was wowed. It reminded me of Skyrim. But not just because it was a Viking inspired village, the quality of the buildings and the decor was amazing. It was another example of why the Fantasy Faire 2016 showed just what great designers can do in Second Life.

Built on a hill leading to the Mead Hall, the triangular buildings standing imposing on raised wooden platforms. Walking up the hill you walked past the statue of a little prince. Echtra had its own experience that was running alongside the main Faire quest. I didn’t take part, but I have a feeling that it was probably amazing. Mostly because the rest of the village was!

But they didn’t just create the village, walking down beyond the wooden walls there was a stone circle and beautiful waterfall too.

(Oh, and hedgehogs, I love the hedgehogs!)